Ganglion nodosum

Ganglion nodosa is a rare skin growth that is usually a birth defect and is caused by various causes or diseases. This condition causes changes in the skin that can be harmless or cancerous. In this article we will look at nodular ganglia, the causes of their appearance, symptoms, treatment and prognosis after treatment.

1. Description Nodular ganglia are small skin formations without a specific shape, size or color. They arise as a result of the death of skin nerves. The formation may contain nerve remains inside. The size of the ganglion can vary from small balls to large nodes. Ganglia may include skin cells, fat, and pigment. Sometimes they can narrow into soft structures called bodies of Vater. Nodular ganglions can be white, yellow, red or dark brown. 2. Etiology of nodular dumbbells The etiology of the appearance of nodular dumbbells can occur under the influence of factors such as: - High level of toxins in the blood (due to bad behavioral habits); - Presence of hereditary skin diseases; - Impaired immune system functions; - Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays; - Changes in hormonal levels (in women during pregnancy, menopause or in men with baldness); 3. Symptoms of a nodular ganglion Symptoms of a ganglion usually include:

The appearance of nodules; Skin ulcerations; Increased pain and itching; Death of epidermal tissue; Increased skin temperature and impaired sensitivity; Red and white nodules on the skin 4. Diagnosis of ganglion nodosa Diagnosis of ganglion nodosa is usually carried out using various examination methods, including by collecting patient complaints, conducting tests and external examination. Diagnostic measures used to determine the type of ganja nodule include:

X-ray studies; Ultrasonography; Node puncture and analysis of the resulting content; Histopathology (analysis of ganglion tissue under a microscope) 5. Treatment of nodular ganglia Treatment of nodular ganglia involves the use of various types of therapy, including surgery, local anti-inflammatory therapy and physical therapy. Surgery can help get rid of large ganglia and reduce pain. Topical anti-inflammatory therapy can help relieve inflammation and swelling. Physical therapy can be used to restore normal skin function. 6. Prognosis after treatment of nodal ganglia After treatment of nodal ganglia, it is important to monitor the condition of the skin to prevent the disease from returning or the development of new ganglia. Patients are advised to avoid sun exposure and maintain a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of developing ganglions in the future.

Ganglion nodosum is an upper respiratory tract disorder characterized by the formation of small nodules on and around the surface of the skin of the nose. The disease usually manifests itself as a rash on the skin and mucous membranes, causing itching and burning. Most often, a ganglion nodule occurs in children, adolescents and young adults.

The reasons for the appearance of a ganglion node can be different, but the main reason is an allergic reaction to various substances, including cosmetics, medications and foods. Also, the cause of a ganglion nodule is an infectious disease, for example, hepatitis or tonsillitis. But in some cases it is not possible to find the cause of this disease.

Symptoms of ganglion nodular lesions do not appear immediately; they can develop quickly, but more often over a few days. Itchy formations appear on the skin of the nose, bridge of the nose, paranasal sinuses, cheeks, forehead, chin. There may also be signs of a throat disease - sore throat, hoarseness. Itching and burning are the main signs of the disease. In the acute phase, an increase in body temperature up to 37-38 degrees may occur. The acute form of the disease most often lasts only 5-7 days, then the disease passes into the chronic phase. Exacerbations of the disease may occur with the change of seasons, after suffering from acute respiratory viral infections.

Treatment depends on the cause of the disease. If the cause is an allergic agent, then antihistamines are prescribed. If infectious in nature