Constipation Inflammatory

Inflammatory constipation is a condition when the intestines cannot function normally and remove feces from the body. There are many reasons for this condition. In this article we will look at what constipation is, why it occurs, and how to treat it.

Inflammatory constipation can be a symptom of many diseases, such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, colon cancer or other types of tumors, liver disease, biliary tract disease, and other diseases. Also, with constipation, a person may experience discomfort and pain in the abdomen.

Causes of inflammatory constipation:

 Heredity  Diet rich in starches and sugars  Limiting the amount of dietary fiber consumed  Lack of fluid in the body  Stress  Past infections  Sedentary lifestyle  Hormonal imbalance  Obesity  Allergies Treatment. The first step to treating constipation should be to eliminate the underlying cause of the disease, and only then - fight the constipation itself. If the patient is overweight, then he should adjust his diet, eat food more often, but in smaller portions. It is important to drink more fluids as dehydration can cause constipation. In addition, the patient is recommended to play sports or at least perform simple exercises. Physical activity helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Laxatives can also be used to treat inflammation. Before starting therapy, you must read the instructions for use of these drugs. It is important not to exceed the recommended dosage. One of the most effective treatment methods is an enema. It allows you to cleanse your intestines and