
Macrohair **–** excessive length of arms or fingers with normal size and proportions of the rest of the body, usually on the other side of symmetry relative to the body. This change in arm length was recognized as an anomaly in 1945. Macroheimia is a rare and little-known skeletal deformity.

Article "Macrocheiria"

Macrocheiria is the name given to congenital hypertrophy of the thumb (macrometacarpia). With this anomaly, there is an increase in the size and length of the fingers and toes (hands and feet) compared to the normal norm, and the thumbs of the lower and upper extremities develop symmetrically. In addition, the ring finger and little finger of the hand and foot, located next to the big toe, are enlarged compared to the average size. Syn: macrometric fingers. Macroceria is a fairly common anomaly among newborns and infants. The thumbs and index fingers are most often affected. In 80% of cases, isolated enlarged large or index phalanges are observed, in 20% - macrokeria of both hands at the same time. Often the pathology is combined with the presence of dental fusion (sacromental form), syndactyly, brachydactyly and valgus deformity of the 5th metatarsophalangeal bone. There may be a combination of the disease with other variants of macrokeria - plexiform, claw and shark keria. The proportion of all types of macrokeria among newborns is up to 1.4%. Men get sick predominantly 3 times more often than women. The pathological sign is characterized by massive growth of the distal phalanx - pseudoanomaly. At its end, a fibrous-sclerotic or mixed type of body is formed (more often). With intensive growth, a thickening occurs, and the tip gradually becomes sharper, which leads to the appearance of a tubercle