Gangrene Thermal

Thermal gangrene is serious tissue damage caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Gangrene occurs with extensive III-IV degree burns, as well as with severe cooling of the body. The main cause of thermal gangrene is poor blood circulation in the affected tissues. Extreme heat or cold leads to the formation of blood clots in the vessels, which, in turn, can lead to tissue death. Extensive burns occur during fires, prolonged exposure to sunlight and other cases. The skin becomes very red and its temperature rises sharply. Gangrene can also occur due to frostbite. In many cases, this is due to poor circulation due to exposure to severe frost. In such cases, it's time around

Gangrene ThermalG. is a serious disease that occurs as a result of serious damage to body tissue. This condition occurs with burns or frostbite of degrees III and IV and can lead to loss of a limb or even death.

Gangrene is local death (necrosis) of tissues caused by the cessation of their blood supply and nutrition. The cause of necrosis can be obstruction of the supplying vessels due to injury, compression or thrombosis. But only with such changes, when necrosis turns into putrefactive tissue decay, infection is an additional pathogenetic factor that contributes to the transformation of the local form into a general septic-resorptive disease: symptoms of purulent-resorbing fever develop with the appearance in the blood of specific indicators of inflammatory activity - neutrophilic or mixed leukocytosis character with a sharp shift to the left, an increase in ESR, high CRP, etc. Based on these changes, it is advisable to formulate a detailed diagnostic search, taking into account the clarifying role of additional methods. Thus, with neuroipidermia, one should first of all think about occupational intoxications (primarily acid and alkali vapors), Reiter's syndrome, Behçet's disease, and in general traumatology - pheochromocytoma, syringomyelia, idiopathic Hunter osteodystrophy, Wilson's disease, etc.

Gangrene is an acute lesion of the limb that occurs as a result of circulatory disorders with the development of deep trophic disorders in the tissues and the pronounced phenomena of inflammation caused by them. Many areas of the distal part of the limb become necrosis; a limited lesion undergoes decay: the tissue in it undergoes putrefactive decay, the tissue undergoes otic decomposition. Recovery usually fails. The lesion is usually localized in the area of ​​the stump, although a single lesion of the bones of the limb is possible. Gangrene

Thermal gangrene is a disease that occurs with thermal burns of the extremities, upper respiratory tract and mucous membranes of the third and fourth stages (severe), as well as with prolonged crush syndrome. Gangrene is accompanied by the appearance of wounds at the site of injury, suppuration, bone deformations, metastases, sepsis and death within 1.5 months. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a physical examination and the results of bacteriological analysis. Basics