Garlic will save you from lung cancer

No matter how you try to fight smoking, it remains one of the most common bad habits and strong addictions. Billions of words have been written about its harmful effects on health, consequences for the body and human life. With the help of which product you can reduce the risk of lung cancer - I WANT to know.

Among the fair half of humanity you can also find those who often turn to smoking. The reasons are different for everyone, as are, in fact, explanations and excuses for why it is so difficult to give up this habit. Lung cancer, to which it leads, has long become one of the most common diseases on our planet.

Fortunately, there is a very simple way to minimize the risk of contracting this disease. Chinese scientists from the National Center for Disease Control of Qiangsu Province were able to prove that eating garlic twice a week will protect your body from lung cancer. The Daily mail published the results of a study in which they interviewed 1.5 thousand people who had already suffered from cancer and 4.5 thousand completely healthy people. The questions concerned the way and rhythm of life, habits and addictions.

The results showed that people who eat garlic at least twice a week are least likely to develop lung cancer. Their indicators and analyzes confirmed that the general condition of the body is much better. than those who refuse garlic. The study also found that simply cooking with garlic and inhaling its vapors has beneficial effects on your health.

By the way, scientists from the University of California have repeatedly stated the benefits of garlic and its amazing effect on human health.