Gastritis Folded

Folded gastritis is one of the types of gastritis, which manifests itself in the form of a fold of the gastric mucosa. This type of gastritis occurs as a result of impaired production of digestive enzymes or increased acidity of gastric juice. Currently, this type of gastritis is becoming more common, and the problem is becoming global.

Often, the diagnosis of folded gastritis is accompanied by difficulties due to its difficulty in identifying. Moreover, this pathology does not necessarily accompany other gastroenterological diseases and can appear in isolation. In addition, some symptoms may also indicate the presence of other diseases, so diagnosis may be delayed.

One of the main symptoms of gastritis is a feeling of discomfort or pain, which can appear anywhere in the abdomen, including under the ribs on the right. Pain may also be associated with food intake, especially after large amounts of food. This condition may also be accompanied by heartburn, belching, nausea and vomiting. There are cases when it is not possible to detect the presence of other symptoms, despite a wide range of diseases.

The main cause and factors for the formation of gastritis are determined by changes in the cellular structures of the gastric glands, which characterize the presence