
Gastrodialysis is a new technique that is used to treat chronic renal failure. This technique combines the principle of hemodialysis and gastrostomy.

Gastrostomy is an operation in which a thin tube is inserted into the wall of the stomach, which allows excess fluid to be removed from the body without causing discomfort or pain. Hemodialysis is a procedure in which the blood is cleansed of toxins in a special machine called a dial.

Gastrodialysis is a method of treating patients with end-stage renal failure through the simultaneous use of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. It is used in cases where only one of the methods does not bring the expected results. Let's describe each of them in more detail. Hemodialysis is a procedure for purifying blood from

Despite the extensive knowledge of doctors in the field of dialysis, kidney treatment of chronic renal failure remains one of the most serious problems.

People on HD live vulnerable and dependent lives. They spend most of their lives in hospitals and are assigned 24-hour medical staff and nurses. The only moment of weakness when patients can relax for a moment is at home, between hemodialysis sessions. At home, away from healthcare professionals, patients live locked up in their dreams of not having to depend on the invasive method of performing the blood cleansing procedure.

Hemodialysis can cause a reaction that leaves people feeling very sick or even dying, but it is a necessary first step in kidney treatment for their patients. In fact, a large number of studies have shown that a patient with advanced kidney disease urgently needs hemodialysis in order to live a normal life and not become disabled, to have the prospect of a normal pregnancy and childbirth for women, the possibility of adopting children and success in a career. Without hemodialysis, many patients give up volunteer work, hobbies, and family visits, die, and may be depressed or even commit suicide. In most cases, about 40% of patients live only one year.

However, all dialysis clinics try every day to improve the quality of life of patients who are in therapy. In times when there is a long list