Gastroenterostomy According to Bellefleur

Gastroenterostomy according to Bellefleur. What is this? Bellefleur gastroenterostomy is a treatment for patients with stomach and esophageal cancer in which surgery involves creating a new food passage (an opening between the wall of the stomach or esophagus and the abdominal cavity) by creating a channel called a stoma, or fistula. This procedure is widely used as a radical method for stomach cancer and malignant neoplasms of the esophagus.

***There are three main methods of gastroenteromesiostomy according to Befler:*** * One-stage; * Two-stage; * Intragastric gastroenteromy.

Stoma manufacturing technology Surgical technique can be divided into two stages: - Creation of an opening in the walls of the stomach or esophagus, depending on the pathology requiring surgical intervention; - Application of an external fistula through the anterior abdominal wall to the skin. The dental duct is applied from above through a tissue incision on the anterior surface of the abdomen to prevent possible blockage of the duct. The formed opening should ensure free penetration of solid and liquid food through the walls of the stomach. The ostomy tube is made from the patient's skin. Indications for the formation of gastroenterostomy may be:

1. Stomach carcinoma: surgery will be performed before the doctor makes a final diagnosis of the presence of a tumor. 2. Difficulties with the mouth