Livedo Lenticularis

Livedo lenticularis (lenticular livedo) is a rare skin condition that appears as red spots on the skin that resemble lentils. This disease can be caused by various reasons such as liver disease, cardiovascular disease, bleeding disorders and others.

Symptoms of livedo lenticularis may include skin redness, swelling and itching. The spots can come in different sizes and shapes, but they are usually round or oval in shape.

Treatment of livedo lenticularis depends on the cause of the disease. If the cause is liver disease or other medical conditions, treatment may include taking medications to improve liver function and blood clotting. In some cases, a liver transplant may be required.

If the cause of the disease lies in other factors, then treatment can be aimed at eliminating these factors. For example, if the cause is high blood pressure, you may need to take medications to lower your blood pressure.

In any case, if symptoms of livedo lenticularis appear, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Livedo lenticularis Livedo (Latin): “bluish-white”, better known as *“vein”* - are traces of protruding veins, limited by narrow blue ridges, reminiscent of the letter “C” in shape. Livedos are clearly demarcated from the surrounding skin, blue-red in color. The name “livedo” received not from the shape of the organ of the vascular-lymphatic bed, but because of its visual similarity with “dragon scales” (cf.: lat. lenticularus, eng. - lenticels, lat. - “lenticularist”