
Country of origin - India
Pharm-Group - M-anticholinergics

Manufacturers - Menon Pharma (India)
International name - Pirenzepine
Synonyms - Gastril, Gastrozem, Gastrozepin, Gastropin, Gastrocepin, Piregexal, Piren, Pirenzepin-Ratiopharm, Pirenzepin
Dosage forms - tablets 25 mg, tablets 50 mg, solution for injection 10 mg
Composition - Active ingredient - pirenzepine.

Indications for use - Acute and chronic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, hyperacid gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, incl. medicinal.

Contraindications - Not recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Side effects - Headache, dry mouth, impaired accommodation, constipation/diarrhea.

Interaction - No information.

Overdose - No information.

Special instructions - If there is rapid subjective improvement, you should not stop taking it due to a possible deterioration of the condition. Use with caution in patients with glaucoma and prostatic hypertrophy. When administered intravenously, it is necessary to monitor the state of the cardiovascular system. Prepared solutions should be used within no more than 12 hours.

Literature - Encyclopedia of Medicines 2003.