Medicinal Plants

Medicinal plants (plantae officinales) are plants that contain biologically active substances and are used for the production of medicines. Medicinal plants have been known to man since ancient times and were widely used in folk medicine. Today they still play an important role as a source of various medicinal substances.

Medicinal plants include plants containing essential oils, vitamins, alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, saponins, flavonoids and other biologically active compounds. They have a wide range of pharmacological effects - anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, antimicrobial and other properties.

The most famous medicinal plants include: chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, valerian, mint, sea buckthorn, sage, plantain, aloe, ginger, lemongrass and many others. They are used to obtain extracts, infusions, and ointments, which are used in both traditional and modern medicine. Thus, medicinal plants are valuable natural raw materials for creating effective and safe medicines.

Medicinal Plants: History and Application

The use of plants for medicinal purposes has an ancient history. Information about the use of the medicinal properties of plants can be found in the monuments of such ancient cultures as Sanskrit, Greek, Chinese, and Latin. For centuries, man has searched for remedies against numerous diseases among the rich world of plants.

In Ancient Rus', the use of plants for medicinal purposes was also widespread. Excavations of burial mounds and settlements of the ancient Slavs indicate that they used medicinal plants, including poisonous ones. In the second half of the 9th century, Kievan Rus was formed, where, with the development of trade and craft, a new profession appeared - “healer”. Even then, doctors worked at the princely courts in Kyiv and Novgorod, and medical knowledge was passed on from generation to generation.

From the empirical use of plants for medical purposes, a whole system of therapeutic measures arose - herbal medicine. Today in Russia, more than 1/3 of medicines are produced from plants, and the plant raw material base is actively developing, taking into account the needs of the domestic pharmacy network and exports.

One of the main advantages of herbal preparations is their wide spectrum of action. They have antispastic, enveloping, alkalizing, soothing, anti-inflammatory effects, and also help normalize the content of vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements in the body. The use of herbal medicines for diseases of the digestive system has been confirmed by many years of clinical practice and contributes to the rapid recovery of the patient.

Among the most well-known herbal medicinal products are Securenin from Securinega bractiflora, Saparal from Aralia Manchurian and many others. With the introduction of advanced technologies, the number of new medicines isolated in their pure form from plants used for medicinal purposes will certainly increase.

Although herbal medicines are effective, it must be taken into account that they may have side effects and interact with other medications. Therefore, before using herbal preparations, you should always consult your doctor.

In addition, it is important to use herbal preparations correctly, following the dosage and recommendations for use. Some plants can be poisonous, so you should not use them without detailed consultation with a specialist.

In modern medicine, herbal medicine is one of the important areas. Herbal preparations are used as independent treatment or in combination with other medications. They are widely used in the treatment of diseases such as gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, constipation, hemorrhoids, bronchitis, colds and flu.

In conclusion, herbal medicines have an ancient history of medicinal use and are effective treatments for many diseases. However, before using herbal preparations, you should consult your doctor and follow the recommendations for their use.