Sodium Heparin

Sodium heparin: an effective direct-acting anticoagulant

Sodium heparin is a direct-acting anticoagulant that is widely used in medical practice for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis and thromboembolic complications. It is an injection solution containing the active substance - sodium heparin. The drug is produced by the pharmaceutical company Panpharma in France.

Sodium heparin has a wide range of uses. It is effective in the treatment of unstable angina, acute myocardial infarction, thromboembolic complications during myocardial infarction, operations on the heart and blood vessels, thromboembolism of the pulmonary and cerebral vessels, thrombophlebitis, DIC syndrome, prevention of microthrombosis and microcirculation disorders, renal vein thrombosis, hemolytic-uremic syndrome , atrial fibrillation, mitral heart defects, bacterial endocarditis, glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis, rheumatism, bronchial asthma and extracorporeal methods such as extracorporeal circulation during heart surgery, hemosorption, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, cytapheresis, as well as for flushing venous catheters.

However, sodium heparin has some contraindications. It is not recommended for hypersensitivity to the drug, hemorrhagic diathesis, leukemia, anemia, increased vascular permeability, polyps, malignant neoplasms and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, as well as after operations on the brain and spine .

Some side effects may occur when using sodium heparin, such as dizziness, headaches, nausea, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, alopecia. It is also possible to develop thrombocytopenia, hemorrhagic complications, osteoporosis, soft tissue calcification, inhibition of aldosterone synthesis, increased levels of transaminases in the blood, allergic reactions and local irritation.

It is important to consider the possible interaction of sodium heparin with other drugs. The effectiveness of heparin can be enhanced when used simultaneously with methyldopa, tetracyclines, direct and indirect anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, neuroleptics, sulfonamides, thrombolytic drugs and some other drugs.

Sodium heparin is usually used under the control of blood clotting parameters, and the dosage is determined depending on the clinical situation and the individual characteristics of the patient. The drug is available in various dosage forms, including injection solutions of varying strengths.

It is important to note that this information is current as of my last update in September 2021. It is recommended that you consult with a healthcare professional or consult current sources of information to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information about sodium heparin and its uses.