
Gastron (from the Greek gaster, gastros - stomach; synonym - gastrogastron) is a term meaning everything related to the stomach and digestion.

Gastronomy covers a wide range of topics related to food and drink, including cooking, winemaking, catering and gourmet. Gastronomy connoisseurs are interested not only in the taste, texture and aroma of products and dishes, but also in their history, culture and traditions.

Deli has become a popular trend in recent years. There is a growing number of food festivals, gourmet restaurants, TV shows and books about food. People strive to gain new taste sensations and get acquainted with the culinary traditions of different countries. Gastro tourism is another manifestation of interest in gastronomy.

Thus, gastronomy today is not just about preparing delicious food. This is a whole culture, the art of creating culinary masterpieces and enjoying the process and result. Gastronomy is a fascinating world for gourmets and lovers of good food.

As you know, at all times people have been attracted to exquisite dishes and delicious drinks. But all of them are products of culinary art that can give people not only great pleasure, but also pleasure. Therefore, paying tribute to culinary excellence, I would like to tell you about a new and rapidly developing market segment associated with the variety of tastes and the satisfaction of true gourmets.

Gastro-cuisine, or gastronomy, is somewhat similar to the history of other culinary trends that have emerged over the centuries, since the first person to turn raw products from his garden and pasture into delicious dishes was back in the Stone Age. The main reason and basis for the emergence of gastronomy was the human ability to digest, which helped people cope with the production of nutrients and fats with a limited range of products. Thus, the function of food has turned into an opportunity to transform the digestion process into something tasty that gives a person pleasure. This is how new culinary delights appear and the improvement of old cooking methods: all this became the basis for the development of gastronomy.

As they say, good cuisine coupled with good service is one of the most important factors in the harmony of relationships between both the chef and the client, and between the clients themselves. A fundamentally important and even main difference between gastronomes and their colleagues is their unusually reverent attitude towards the guests of the establishment. Many domestic sources are replete with the statement that gastronomy is a matter of honor and duty to society. In the world of restaurants, where profit is generally considered the main goal, this is more an exception to the rule than a common occurrence. If a similar rule is implemented in the kitchen of your restaurant, harmony will be ensured naturally. Customers will feel this and be drawn to you, providing the establishment with even more positive reviews and guests. Trust in the chef, creating an atmosphere of comfort and goodwill, is the most important point that no self-respecting restaurant ignores.
