
Hebotostetonia is a surgery in which the doctor cuts bone tissue in a specific area to create more space for the bone to continue to grow. This operation is performed in cases where the bone structure is severely compressed or too narrow for normal jaw development.

The main goal of hebotosteomy is to expand the jaw space and increase the volume of the musculoskeletal system of the lower jaw. As a result of jaw expansion, its height and volume increase and facial asymmetry decreases.

Often this technology can help reduce problems with speech, teeth, and diction problems.

Gebotostetomy is performed if there are a number of problems:

– the frenulum is very small and is not able to fully straighten, without this normal speech is impossible;

– the patient has a short frenulum of the upper jaw; – problem with bite; - if the patient has a lower jaw that is too large and does not fit into the standard prosthetics;

After surgery, the symptoms of fibrous lichen planus or hyperkeratosis of the lip mucosa can also be removed. In addition to medical indications, heboostomy is an excellent procedure for rejuvenating the upper facial area.

Gebostomy is an operation on the larynx in which its shape is changed in order to improve breathing and voice. During this operation, the shape of the vocal folds is changed.

This operation can be prescribed during vocal therapy to treat various diseases of the vocal cords. Gebostomy is used as a therapeutic method, but sometimes it is necessary for vocal cord paralysis or cystic fibrosis. In both cases, during the restoration of the anatomy of the larynx, a hebostomy is performed.

Gebostomy is performed only by a laryngologist. The procedure may be accompanied by discomfort. But it is also performed on an outpatient basis. This allows the patient to avoid the need for a long hospital stay. This type of operation usually takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The operation is prescribed in combination with phoniatric treatment. This can have the following positive effect: * in most cases it is possible to make a bunch of the correct shape; * larynx stretches; * The voice box is working normally. If this procedure is prescribed, the patient must prepare for it. For this, moderate vocal loading of the patient is selected, and the patient is prescribed medications that will prevent congestion. It is important to know that hebotomy may cause discomfort. Transitional votes may appear immediately after it is held or after a couple of weeks. After a period of time, the problem will resolve itself, that is, the ligament will be restored to its previous state. As a rule, this period does not drag on for a long time. The patient will be able to fully communicate with people within 2 weeks. After the procedure, a rehabilitation course will be prescribed, which usually includes sessions with a speech therapist. Therefore, hebostatomy cannot be called a simple method of solving the problem associated with disturbances in the functioning of the vocal apparatus.