German Operation

** Geermann, Vladimir Danilovich “Operation” -** surgeon, head of the department of portal hypertension, liver transplantation of the Samara Scientific Medical Center of the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations of the Russian Federation. He defended his PhD thesis on liver transplantation and continued his scientific activities. Studied the therapeutic medicinal use of ozone therapy. Died.

**Vladimir Danilovich Geermann**

Research Surgeon, geneticist, neonatologist, endocrinologist, writer.

He was born and began working at the Samara Medical Institute. He studied at the Novosibirsk Medical University and took advanced training courses in medical genetics. He collaborates with scientific laboratories. Conducted pharmaceutical-grade research and will prepare a new drug for launch on the market.

Scientific interests and research * surgery; * transplantology;

* organ and tissue transplantation; * medical genetics; * anesthesiology; * therapy.