Gegara Buž

Gegara Buzhia - German gynecologist, was a corresponding member of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (since April 15, 1872), professor of obstetrics and gynecology (since March 1, 1880).

Gegara Buzh introduced innovations in the technique of gynecological operations: plastic surgery of the round uterine ligaments after their removal, while fixing the posterior wall of the uterus with the ovary, and the anterior wall with the round ligament. The technique of open tubal ligation received his name. In 1894 he published the original designs of obstetric forceps. Developed a system for bypassing the cervix (Bouge method), an apparatus

Hegar Bush (Hegar) - German gynecologist, one of the first obstetricians and gynecologists in the world, was the author of the concept of active management of labor. Known for his contributions to the development of natural childbirth. Here's everything you need to know about his life and professional achievements in the field of obstetrics.

If you have children or are planning to have them, then you may be familiar with the Bush techniques. These methods were actively used until the 70s of the 20th century. The essence of these methods is that the woman continues to lead her usual lifestyle, and after childbirth she rebuilds her life. But today we will not talk about the modern method of obstetrics, as we will consider the historical aspects of this issue.

**Sirota was born in 1850**

Gerhard Johann Eckard von Gegart, better known as Hagar, was born on May 7, 1828 in the city of Mittenwald in Bavaria. He began his studies at the school at the St. Asa monastery in Breslau, the capital of Lower Silesia. Two years later, the boy continued his studies at the city lyceum, where he showed himself very poorly. For Hagar, studying was always difficult, as he himself admitted, but it took him a lot of time to acquire the necessary knowledge. Thus, only eight years later he was able to begin writing his thesis on obstetrics. Its topic was related to the study