
Country of origin - Russia, Akrikhin HFC Russia
Pharm-Group - Anticonvulsants - barbiturates

Manufacturers - ICN Oktyabr (Russia), Akrikhin HFC (Russia)
International name - Primidon
Synonyms - Misolin
Dosage forms - tablets 125 mg, tablets 250 mg
Composition - Active ingredient - primidone.

Indications for use: Epilepsy of various origins, grand mal seizures. Focal, myoclonic, akinetic seizures (less effective).

Contraindications - Hypersensitivity (including to barbiturates), hepatic-renal failure, anemia, leukopenia, pregnancy, breastfeeding (breastfeeding should be avoided). Restrictions on use: Children and the elderly (some children and elderly patients react to primidone with paradoxical agitation and motor restlessness).

Side effects - Drowsiness, dizziness, headache, apathy, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, anemia, leukopenia, lymphocytosis, allergic reactions. Rarely - nystagmus, ataxia, lupus syndrome, arthralgia, psychotic reactions; extremely rarely - megaloblastic anemia. With long-term use - drug dependence.

Interaction - Strengthens (mutually) the effect of carbamazepine, diphenine and other anticonvulsants.

Overdose - No information.

Special instructions - Can be used in complex anticonvulsant therapy. Cancellation and replacement are carried out gradually. Reduces reaction when driving a car or operating machinery. If megaloblastic anemia develops, discontinue use and begin treatment with folic acid and/or vitamin B12.

Literature - Encyclopedia of Medicines 2003.