Lapis Pencil

Lapis pencil: antiseptic with silver

Lapis pencil is an antiseptic produced in Russia. Its main active substance is silver nitrate. This drug is used externally to treat various conditions, such as erosions, ulcers, excessive granulations, fissures, acute conjunctivitis, trachoma and others.

The lapis pencil is produced by several companies in Russia, including Ingakamf and the Manturovo plant. It belongs to the pharmaceutical group of antiseptics containing silver.

The advantage of the lapis pencil is its ease of use and the possibility of targeted application to the affected areas of the skin or mucous membranes. This allows you to achieve maximum concentration of the active substance in the desired area, which contributes to effective treatment.

However, there are some things to consider before using a lapis pencil. For example, it is incompatible with organic substances, chlorides, iodides and bromides. Therefore, before using a lapis pencil, you should make sure that there is no interaction with other medications or components that may reduce its effectiveness or cause unwanted reactions.

Information about contraindications, side effects and overdose of lapis pencil is limited and not available in the available literature. In any case, before using this drug, you should consult a medical specialist and follow his recommendations.

In conclusion, lapis pencil is an antiseptic containing silver nitrate. It is used externally to treat various conditions of the skin and mucous membranes. Despite its benefits, you need to be careful and consider possible interactions with other substances. Before using a lapis pencil, it is recommended to consult a medical specialist and read the instructions for use.