Helium-Oxygen Mixture

A helium-oxygen mixture is an artificial gas mixture for breathing, which differs from atmospheric air in its composition. It uses helium instead of nitrogen, which reduces pressure on the lungs and improves breathing conditions at great depths under water. This is especially important when diving to depths where nitrogen can lead to decompression sickness due to its toxicity.

The helium-oxygen mixture is used not only for diving at great depths, but also in some spacecraft and spacesuits. It allows you to reduce the pressure inside the spacecraft and reduce the risk of decompression sickness when returning to Earth.

However, the helium-oxygen mixture has its drawbacks. Because helium is a less dense gas than nitrogen, it may be less efficient at surface breathing. Additionally, using this mixture may be more expensive than using regular ambient air.

Overall, helium-oxygen mixture is an important tool for ensuring the safety of divers and astronauts, but its use must be strictly controlled to avoid possible negative consequences.