
Helmintholarvoscopy is a method of examining stool for the presence of helminth eggs and their larvae. It is used to diagnose parasitic diseases caused by helminths. Helminths are parasitic worms that can live in the body of humans and animals.

Helmintholarvoscopy is carried out by examining stool for the presence of helminth eggs and larvae. For this purpose, special microscopes and magnifying glasses are used. The study is carried out under a microscope in the laboratory.

To perform helmintholarvoscopy, a special gel is used, which helps to better see the eggs and larvae of helminths in the feces. Special dyes are also used to help better visualize the eggs and larvae.

After performing a helminth-larvoscopy, the doctor can determine which helminths live in the patient’s body. This allows you to prescribe appropriate treatment and prevent further spread of parasites.

Helminth-larvoscope - a special device with an attachment in the form of a microscope and tweezers. The use of larvoscopy is based on the ability of helminth eggs to become covered with a layer of yolk when moving from the proglottid to the stomach of their new owner. After passing this barrier during the digestion process, the egg is covered with substances secreted from the walls of the stomach and intestines of the final host (intestinal contents are also involved), therefore, at the moment a helminth egg is detected in the feces, in order to search for the larvae, it is necessary to remove the yolk layer using the device and its attachment and examine the remaining egg without it to reveal the larva inside it. According to statistics, the percentage of eggs infected with larvae is quite large, 80% of all eggs (we are visually guided by this indicator - by examining the shell of the egg that has not been modified by a needle) will contain inside a larva that has not completed its life cycle, that is, it has laid eggs, and further development and pipping Of these, cercariae did not materialize. This quite realistically happens if, when collecting feces, a wet pack or diaper is used as an absorbent material; the moist environment it contains turns out to be ideal for the hatching of larvae.