Hemangioma stellate

Hemangioma is a benign formation in the tissues of the body. Hemangiomas are divided into multiple and single. In some cases, a single hemangioma can be treated, in others it goes away on its own. Multiple hemangiomas are signs of a congenital disease and indicate a disturbance in the development of the fetus in the womb even during pregnancy. The appearance of single hemangiomas may be associated with tissue malnutrition during pregnancy, if the fetus received too little oxygen, as well as with heredity. Classification of the disease

The type of neoplasm is determined by its location: 1. intradermal - on the surface of the skin; 2. subcutaneous – formed by vascular anomalies under the skin; 3. subcutaneous mucosa – stretched over the entire surface of the mucous membranes. Depending on the structure, hemangiomas are divided into capillary, cavernous and mixed. The first are located in the inner layers of the skin, look like light nodules on the red surface, resembling the silhouette of a star. The presence of multiple capillary hemangiomas causes the symptom of false cyanosis. Cavernous hemangioma is characterized by bizarrely shaped vessels containing dark liquid. The mixed appearance consists of two described types of neoplasm. Hemangias are also distinguished by the depth of their distribution: superficial, located in the dermis, lying in the layers of subcutaneous tissue and combined with the manifestation of vascular anomalies on the mucous membranes.