Hematocele (Haematocoele)

Hematocele (Haematocoele) is a swelling caused by the leakage of blood into any cavity of the body, most often into the scrotum.

A parametric (pelvic) haematocoele is a swelling near the uterus associated with leakage of blood, usually from the fallopian tube during an ectopic pregnancy.

The main causes of hematocele development include trauma, tumors, inflammatory diseases of the scrotal organs, as well as complications of surgical interventions. Clinically, hematocele is manifested by enlargement and soreness of the scrotum, sometimes by fever. The diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound. Treatment includes surgery to remove the accumulated blood and eliminate the cause of the bleeding. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

Hematoceleos is a characteristic gynecological pathology, which is accompanied by the accumulation of blood in the soft tissue space of the pelvis. Such a clinic can be observed against the background or after surgical removal of the uterus, as well as ovarian aneurysm and ligation of the uterine arteries. In addition, hydrocele is observed in girls as a result of a malformation of the bladder and in newborns born prematurely. In such a situation we are talking about fetal atelectasis. The pathology does not depend on the patient’s age and develops in women and men of any age.


Hematocele is a pathological condition in which blood accumulates in the pelvic cavity or scrotum. Hematocoels are certain accumulations of blood and the effusion formed due to their presence, that is, edema, occurs in those parts of the body where adipose tissue is present