Hemianopsia Binasal

Binasal hemianopsia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Binasal hemianopia is a type of vision impairment in which a person loses half the field of vision in both eyes on both sides of the nose. This occurs due to damage to certain parts of the visual system that are responsible for perceiving information from the lateral visual fields.

The causes of binasal hemianopsia can be different. It can be caused by stroke, head injury, brain tumor, degenerative eye disease, and other causes. This may occur due to damage to the optic nerves, visual cortex, or other parts of the visual system.

Symptoms of binasal hemianopsia include vision loss in the lateral areas of both eyes, which can lead to difficulty performing tasks that require viewing a large area, such as driving or reading. There may also be problems with orientation in space, especially in the dark.

Treatment for binasal hemianopia may involve the use of optical devices such as mirror lenses or periscope glasses, which allow the patient to look toward the lost field of vision. Rehabilitation of the visual system, which includes training the eyes and visual functions, may also be helpful. In some cases, surgery may be required, for example if there is a brain tumor.

Overall, binasal hemianopia is a serious condition that can seriously affect the patient's quality of life. However, with proper diagnosis and treatment, its impact on visual function can be reduced and the patient's comfort in life can be improved. If you notice signs of binasal hemianopia, contact your eye doctor for further examination and treatment.

Bysal hemianopia is partial blindness in the field of vision located in the area of ​​the nasal projection of the brain. It is manifested by a violation of object recognition in the right, left, and less often both halves of visual space. An attack of blindness or decreased performance of the eyes occurs suddenly, without previous visual disturbances; the duration of the attack varies - both instantaneous and for hours or days. Hemianopic seizures usually occur when the eyelids are closed