
Hemihypopsia: Description and features

Hemihypopsia, also known as hemianopsia or hemiopsia, is a medical term that describes a condition in which there is partial loss of vision in half of the visual field. It is a neurological disorder that affects a person's ability to see objects and events in a specific half of their visual field.

The term hemihypopsia is derived from the Greek words hemi (meaning “half”) and “hypo” (meaning “under,” “below,” “less”), and “opsis” (meaning “sight”). Thus, hemihypopsia indicates decreased or diminished visual function in half the visual field.

Hemihypopsia usually occurs as loss of vision in one half of the eye or one eye. For example, if a person develops left hemihypopsia, they will have trouble seeing in the left half of their visual field. This means that objects located in the left half of the visual field may be indistinguishable or appear blurry.

Hemihypopsia can be caused by a variety of causes, including vascular disorders, brain tumors, head injuries, infections, or neurological diseases. It can be temporary or permanent, depending on the underlying disease.

The diagnosis of hemihypopsia is usually made using a computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the brain, which allows doctors to visualize the structure and function of the brain. Additional tests, such as visual field and electrophysiological studies, may be used to assess the extent of vision loss and determine the causes of it.

Treatment for hemihypopsia depends on its underlying cause. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove the tumor or restore normal blood circulation to the brain. In other cases, conservative treatments may be used, such as physical therapy or wearing special optical devices, such as contact lenses or glasses with prisms, that help improve vision in the weakened half of the visual field.

Hemihypopsia is a serious medical condition that can significantly limit a person's ability to function in daily life. Therefore, it is important to consult a qualified physician to diagnose, treat and manage this condition. Early seeking medical help can help prevent the progression of hemihypopsia and improve the patient's quality of life.

In conclusion, hemihypopsia is a condition characterized by partial loss of vision in half of the visual field. It can be caused by various reasons and requires diagnosis and treatment by qualified medical professionals. Modern diagnostic and therapeutic methods can improve the prognosis and help patients cope with the limitations associated with hemihypopsia.

Hemihypoisia is a condition where one eye sees less clearly compared to the other eye. It can result from various causes, such as injury or disease to the eye, nervous system, or brain. In this article we will look at what hemihyponia is, how it manifests itself and how to treat it.

Hemihypysus is a medical term that means the inability to see half of the visible world with one eye due to impairment of its function. This can occur due to injury or disease to the eye or nervous system, but can also be caused by more serious problems such as a brain tumor or stroke.

Some symptoms that may indicate hemigynesia include:

1. Half of the image in one eye is visible, and half is not. 2. Loss of color when seeing in both eyes, one of which is stronger than the other. 3. Impaired vision in space, for example, the inability to determine how far away an object is or how close it is. 4. Deterioration of vision over time, which is usually associated with decreased visual acuity on the affected side. 5. Difficulty in determining the depth of an image, especially when performing complex visual tasks.

If you notice these symptoms, it is recommended that you see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The examination may include computed tomography, MRI or other research methods.