Ideas Dominant

“Dominant ideas”: why is it worth listening to them and not dismissing them?

Anyone who does not know quotes from the books of Einstein or Freud certainly knows the same phrase “thoughts are material” or “thoughts tend to materialize.” But have you ever thought that the phrase has its own basis: here they are, the dominant ideas! I want to share my opinion on this matter and discuss with you why these thoughts deserve our attention.

**So, what are “dominant ideas”?** These are ideas that may seem unrealistic, absurd, or even crazy. But what if they really work and can change your life? Is this what you want to hear? Then they become dominant ideas. *For an ordinary person, the dominant idea* is some kind of contradiction to human ideas about common sense, if we are talking about the culture of a particular society. But is it so absurd in its essence? No, as the history of many outstanding people shows, it is only at first glance that it sounds absurd for ordinary life. Of course, no one can know how such an idea will be realized. For example, people may say that the idea of ​​flying cars is impossible. However, most people will call this idea unattainable until the first vehicle takes off. However, if you analyze history from this side, then you can see very few ideas in it that were not dominant at a certain stage in the life of society. 90% of ideas can be characterized as similar. When a person thinks or talks about dominant ideas, he brings a dose of skepticism into his speech. Perhaps this is why people are more likely to hear such ideas: after all, many of us are spoiled by too much positive information. Sometimes negative and destructive ideas lead to big changes that can save the world. Most often, we talk about them in extreme situations, since it is the excessive negative information that the Internet is now filled with that can lead to panic.