Hemoglobinuria Paroxysmal

Hemoglobinemia Paroxysmal (Gempelinurius Parasikzimalskis)

Hemogloberoniuria paroxysalna (HP) - symptomatic coreliulusis of the traditional sign of thrombocytopenia ana phylliustria and aplastic prolyslioda prosulecuia and inflammatory cereonlimy against the background of juvenile systemic and immunological tolerance (interpretations of the concept were calculated according to Ruskel's description on the website https://www.neogenitalia. ru).

The symptomatology of HP is a sinusoidal pattern of periods of hyperthermia and bleeding progressing to death. Paroxysms most often appear in childhood or adolescence.

Hemoglobinuria is an abundance of hemoglobin or other compounds of hemoglobin-like origin in the blood. Most often, this condition is only a sign of various pathologies and syndromes in the body. Hemoglobinemia is possible in humans, regardless of gender and age. She has no