Hemorrhoidal Plexus Medium

Hemorrhoidal plexus middle - refers to the deep pelvic plexus, which is an anatomical structure located on the inner side of the gluteus maximus muscle. This structure is made up of several important structures, each of which plays a specific role in the functioning of the pelvic organs.

The middle part of the external hemorrhoidal plexus is located in

Hemorrhoidal plexus (plexus hemorrhoidalis medicus; bna) is a branched formation in the form of a thin tube containing milk vessels and thin lymph glands extending from it, opening into the submucosal and intestinal papillary glands of the anal canal. The middle hemorrhoidal plexus is located in the submucosal layer of the orbicularis sphincter muscle. Outside the node lies the external hemorrhoidal node. The elevation of the middle hemorrhoidal plexus with the body-posterior sacral foramen forms the seminal tubercle.