Martorell Syndrome

Martorell syndrome is an eating disorder characterized by loss of appetite and weight loss. This disorder can occur in people of different ages, genders and social groups, but is most common in women.

Symptoms of Martorella syndrome include low or no calorie intake throughout the day, rapid and uncontrollable weight loss, weakness, fatigue, dizziness and dizziness. Patients may experience dizziness in severe cases caused by malnutrition and anemia. Also, people with this disorder may perceive food as unpleasant and its taste as inedible.

The occurrence of the disease is associated with a decrease in body volume, which has its cause either in an unbalanced diet or in a high level of physical activity. Rapid weight loss is the first sign of martorez syndrome. If at first glance it seems to the body that it is getting enough nutritious food, then subsequently there is an increase in appetite. People with Martorella syndrome begin to consume more carbohydrates, thereby lowering their blood sugar levels. This, in turn, causes a feeling of hunger and stimulates appetite.

The reasons for the existence of the disease are unclear. Researchers believe that metabolism may slow down in the morning, causing muscles to consume fewer calories than usual and increasing energy levels in the blood, causing hunger. With age, such fluctuations are less pronounced. In addition, to maintain normal sugar levels you need insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. Increased insulin production stimulates the production of liver enzymes that break down the fatty tissue needed to produce glucome. Thus, fats are broken down for energy and glucose levels increase. All this can lead to Martorell syndrome.

Martorella syndrome is not dangerous to health and does not pose a threat to the patient’s life. However, it requires medical treatment, as it leads to serious consequences: the development of depression, food perversion, nervous disorders and even loss of consciousness. Patients with this disorder are advised to eat a healthy and balanced diet and devote time to physical activity.