Hendon Modification of Vaginal Caesarean Section

Hendon modification of vaginal cesarean section Why? Gendon vaginal modification is a surgical procedure used to facilitate labor in women. This method is also known as vaginal caesarean section (VKS).

For decades, doctors and obstetricians and gynecologists have used a variety of methods to treat women's conditions, including cesarean sections. However, a caesarean section can be dangerous if performed without proper care and supervision. Because of this, doctors have begun to look for other methods that may be safer and more effective.

Gendon modifications of the vagina were developed by the Soviet obstetrician-gynecologist Georges Y. Gendon. They were introduced in the 1950s and are now widely used in maternity hospitals and hospitals around the world.

For gendon modification of the vagina, special tools and execution techniques are used, thanks to which the cesis procedure

Gendon's modification of vaginal cesarean section and I - (English: Groddeck), - a modification of the method of performing vaginal cesarean sections in Russia (USSR), proposed by the Soviet obstetrician-gynecologist Irina Ioanovna Gendina (married Gendon, September 21 (October 3) 1891 - 8 December 1978). More than 50 thousand operations were performed using the author's method, mainly in Sweden. See Gendin's section for other details, but