
Country of origin: Russia
Pharm-Group: Antibiotics - aminoglycosides

Manufacturers: Sintez AKO, Kurgan (Russia)
International name: Gentamicin
Synonyms: Amgent, Garamicin, Gentamicin, Gentamicin, Gentamicin Lerken, Gentamicin sulfate, Gentamicin-K, Gentamicin-Ratiopharm, Gentamicin-Teva, Gentamicin-Ferein, Gentamicin sulfate, Gentamicin ointment, Gentacyclol, Gentina, Gencin, Dex-gentamicin, Septopal
Dosage forms: ointment 0.1%
Composition: Active substance - Gentamicin.

Indications for use: Infectious diseases caused by sensitive microorganisms: pneumonia, lung abscess, peritonitis, sepsis, meningitis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, purulent infections, kidney and urinary tract infections.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, acoustic neuritis, severe renal failure, uremia.

Side effects: Impaired hearing and balance, kidney damage, headache, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, muscle weakness, changes in the cellular composition of peripheral blood (anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, granulocytopenia), increased activity of liver transaminases, hyperbilirubinemia, allergic reactions (itching of the skin) , urticaria).

Interaction: Incompatible with other oto- and nephrotoxic drugs. Strengthens (mutually) the effect of carbenicillin, benzylpenicillin and cephalosporins. Loop diuretics increase ototoxicity, muscle relaxants - the likelihood of respiratory paralysis. Do not mix with other products in the same syringe.

Overdose: No information.

Special instructions: Restrictions on use: Pregnancy (only for health reasons), infancy, impaired renal function.

Literature: Encyclopedia of Medicines 2003.