Genu Valgum

Genu Valgum: causes, symptoms and treatment

Genu Valgum, also known as "O" legs, is a common condition that is characterized by outward bowing of the legs. This condition can have a number of causes and can lead to a variety of problems, including knee pain, unsteadiness when walking, and joint damage. In this article, we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of Genu Valgum.

Causes of Genu Valgum

Genu Valgum can be caused by a variety of reasons, including genetic factors, injury, obesity, abnormal bone and joint development, and certain medical conditions such as connective tissue dysplasia. In children, Genu Valgum can develop as a result of improper weight distribution on the legs during early childhood.

Symptoms of Genu Valgum

The main symptom of Genu Valgum is the characteristic outward bowing of the legs, which leads to unsteadiness when walking and pain in the knees. Other symptoms may include foot deformity, joint stiffness, limited movement in the knee joints, and a tendency to damage ligaments and joints.

Treatment Genu Valgum

Treatment for Genu Valgum depends on the cause and severity of the condition. In children, Genu Valgum, which is not caused by serious medical problems, may improve on its own with age. However, if Genu Valgum is caused by a medical problem, such as connective tissue dysplasia, surgery may be required.

In adults, Genu Valgum can be treated with physical therapy, muscle strengthening exercises, orthoses and special shoes. In more severe cases, surgical treatment may be required.

In conclusion, Genu Valgum is a common condition that is characterized by outward bowing of the legs and can lead to various problems including knee pain and joint damage. Treatment for Genu Valgum depends on the cause and severity of the condition, and may include physical therapy, exercises, orthoses, and surgery. If you suspect Genu Valgum, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Genu valgum is a medical term that describes the curvature of the knee joint toward the inside of the leg. This can happen due to a number of reasons, including heredity, injury, arthritis, and abnormal bone and ligament development. A bowel knee is a cosmetic problem and may