Oligemia Oligocytemic

**Oligemia** is a term that refers to low red blood counts. The definition of “oligocytic” shows that we are talking about a reduced number of not only red blood cells, but also other blood cells - leukocytes and platelets. Based on this, the term “o-oligocy” can be used to refer to any of the two indicated conditions. Such deviations from the norm usually appear in various pathologies. When red blood concentration drops critically, circulating blood volume decreases and nutrients may become scarce. Cardiovascular, pulmonary and renal pathologies also become dangerous. With inadequate treatment, such problems progress quickly and often lead to serious complications, including death.

**Oligocytic anemia: explanation.** The reasons for the development of oligocytic anemia can be different, ranging from starvation to genetic abnormalities. It can arise due to several factors. Causes of oligoratory anemia:

* Digestive system disorders leading to an unbalanced diet, especially with a lack of iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid. * Glucose metabolism associated with the development of diabetes mellitus. It also helps increase blood glucose concentrations. * Abuse of alcohol and nicotine, which reduce the elasticity of red blood cells and do not provide them with enough oxygen. In addition, cigarettes and alcohol reduce oxygen metabolism.

Sometimes oligocytic conditions are caused by genetic abnormalities when the body inadequately produces hemoglobin. This term is associated with the behavior of hemoglobin-producing cells that require special attention and control. Complex tests and examination of biomaterials make it possible to determine the causes of oligosandromic anemia. In rare cases