
**Geohelminths** are parasitic worms that can reproduce and live in the human body (human tissues, organ cells, blood), but usually cannot tolerate the effects of climatic conditions. The natural habitat of helminths is limited to soil, aquatic environments and organisms. For development and life, they use an intermediate or primary host, most often vertebrates (mainly mammals).

— Some types of helminths can be found in forests, where they can be transmitted through soil or water. — All geohelminths in Russia are divided into 5 classes: nematodes, cestodes, trematodes, tapeworms and roundworms. However, these figures, while reflecting facts, do not reflect the real picture of the diversity of geohelminths. When comparing the global and domestic epidemiological base for geohelminths, it should be borne in mind that due to the lack of modern diagnostic equipment in remote