Hepatitis Diffuse Mesenchymal

Diffuse mesenchymal hepatitis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Diffuse mesenchymal hepatitis (H. diffusa mesenchymalis) is an inflammatory disease of the liver, which is characterized by damage to mesenchymal cells. This is a rare disease that most often occurs in older men.

Symptoms of diffuse mesenchymal hepatitis can range from mild to severe. Patients often complain of nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue, weakness and loss of appetite. Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, jaundice, pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, and fever.

Various methods are used to diagnose diffuse mesenchymal hepatitis, including blood tests and tissue biopsies. The patient's blood is analyzed for the presence of specific markers and antibodies. A liver biopsy may show inflammation of mesenchymal cells and other signs of disease.

Treatment of diffuse mesenchymal hepatitis may include the use of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drugs, as well as glucocorticosteroids. In some cases, surgery such as a liver transplant may be required.

As with other liver diseases, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid risk factors such as drinking alcohol and smoking. Regular medical examinations can help detect the disease at an early stage and begin treatment on time.

In conclusion, diffuse mesenchymal hepatitis is a rare liver disease that can lead to serious consequences if left untreated. Regular medical examinations and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help prevent the development of the disease and begin treatment in a timely manner. If you experience any symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment.

Diffuse mesoencephalic hepatitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the bile ducts and sometimes affects other abdominal organs. Hepatitis DMM is also called Caroli-Zagaller disease.

Causes of the disease

Hepatitis Diff Mez could be hereditary, but most cases are acquired. This disease can be caused by:

exposure to toxins on the body; infectious liver lesions; injuries to the body - up to surgical operations and injuries to internal organs during an accident; radioactive damage; various inflammatory processes occurring in the body; circulatory disorders, which may indicate heart defects and other heart diseases. Main signs of the disease

Signs of the disease are characterized by extensive migration of the liver, as well as changes in its size.