Hepatoexcretory Insufficiency

Hepatoexcretory Insufficiency: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Hepatoexcretory insufficiency (HEF) is a condition in which the liver is unable to properly perform its functions in the process of excreting (removing) various substances from the body. This can lead to metabolic disorders, poisoning of the body and the development of other serious diseases.

Reasons for GEN

GEN can be caused by various reasons, including:

  1. Chronic liver diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatitis and fatty liver.
  2. Use of certain medications, such as antibiotics, antivirals, and chemotherapy.
  3. Genetic disorders such as hereditary hemochromatosis.
  4. Biliary tract disorders such as gallstones or biliary tract tumors.

Symptoms of GEN

Symptoms of HEN can vary depending on the degree of liver dysfunction and the type of substances that cannot be properly eliminated from the body. Some common symptoms that may occur with GEN include:

  1. Fatigue and weakness.
  2. Stomach ache.
  3. Jaundice.
  4. Swelling in the legs and abdomen.
  5. Hypersensitivity to drugs.

Treatment of GEN

Treatment for HEN depends on the cause of liver dysfunction. In many cases, if HEN is caused by chronic liver disease such as cirrhosis, treatment is aimed at reducing inflammation and maintaining liver function. This may include medications, dietary changes, and increased levels of physical activity.

If GEN is caused by medication, treatment may include changing the drug or reducing the dose.

In some cases, surgery may be required to correct bile duct problems or tumors.

It is important to note that GEN can lead to serious complications, so if you experience symptoms associated with impaired liver function, you should seek medical help. Timely diagnosis and treatment can help prevent the development of serious complications and improve the prognosis of the disease.

Hepatoecretory insufficiency is a condition in which the kidneys cannot filter enough urine from the blood. The body retains nitrogen and electrolyte accumulation, which is not balanced with the level of filtration in the kidneys. This is not an independent condition, but a symptom of dysfunction of other organs: liver, stomach, intestines, heart