
Hepatopathy is a term that is used to describe various liver diseases. In this review, we will look at what hepatopathy is, how it manifests itself, what diseases may be associated with this condition and how to treat them.

Hepatopathy can be defined as a complex of symptoms including fatigue, weight loss, jaundice, abdominal pain and others. It can occur for various reasons, including genetic disorders, viral infections, alcohol poisoning, long-term use of medications, etc. The most common hepatopathies are hepatic steatosis (fatty liver), cystic fibrosis, liver cirrhosis and liver necrosis.

Treatment depends on the type of hepatopathy and may include diet, stress reduction, medications, or a liver transplant. However, if hepatopathy persists or worsens, you should contact your doctor for further help and monitoring of the condition.

Hepatopathy is a group of liver diseases that can lead to various complications and pathological changes in the body. This article talks about the causes, symptoms and treatment methods of hepatopathy.

What is hepatopathology?

Hepatopathy (or liver disease) is the term used to refer to