
Hi all! Today I would like to talk about a very serious topic - paraplegia. And if you still don’t know what it is, then most likely you have not yet seen the unfortunate man with the difficult name - “the man without arms.” No, there is no typo here, this man should not have lifted the keyboard with his paralyzed hands this time either. No, he is not completely disabled, but a paraplegic. The same as you. But unlike you, he does not have two strong appendages growing from his head, with the help of which we hold food and objects. I'm sure you're already scared and are now hiding under the covers. In this case, still don’t panic, he seems to be peaceful. If it suddenly happens that he comes up to you, quickly take out some object (even if it is stained in the intestines of the unfortunate person) and pretend that everything is ok. You should not allow yourself to be attacked - a man without arms is equal to a man without legs. Don’t be afraid to call for help, but don’t make noise all over the street, otherwise he might react. Paraplegics can live and be truly happy. Here you just need to rethink your habits so that their shackles become for them not a cage, but shackles.

Paraplegia is a serious neurological disorder characterized by damage to the peripheral nerves in the spinal cord. This can lead to complete or partial loss of the ability to walk independently, which is why the patient requires special rehabilitation and care.

Paraplegia can have various causes. The main causes include trauma, stroke, and tumors that can affect the spinal cord.

Symptoms of paraplegia may include stiffness of movement, loss of sensitivity, difficulty in performing natural functions such as moving arms, legs, bending and straightening joints, walking, standing, etc. Treating paraplexy can be complex and require time, patience, and work for the patient and family. Various treatment methods can be used, ranging from