Herbst Functional Test

Herzba functional test, e herbst Test for determining the sensorimotor profile of a child of preschool and primary school age (also known as “herzba” or “goryushka”). Combined sound, auditory and hearing-speech test; one of a wide range of techniques designed to study the rate of formation of sensorimotor reactions in children and other neuropsychological manifestations of speech hearing[

However, as research at the Russian Academy of Education shows, in particular the work of A.R. Luria and V.N. Saksonov, the main principle is exhaustion, limitation and even suppression, which has negative consequences for the further development of the child’s personality in general and his intellectual activity in in particular.

Taking this into account, this article sets the task of studying the problem of complex changes in the structure of the sensorimotor reaction against the background of exhaustion and suppression, using the methods of spectral analysis and chaos theory.

Herbst functional test is a conventional name used to designate a screening test to determine the functional state of the human cardiovascular system. When performing the test, the condition of the heart wall and large vessels is determined. The Herbst test acts as a mandatory medical test for people over 40 years of age. The test was first introduced by the German doctor Georg von Ande. The term functional test is more often used.

Herbst functional tests allow you to assess the hemodynamics of the myocardium and blood vessels. Often used for early diagnosis of arterial hypertension. The screening function is expressed in a “positive prognostic effect”: the test results exclude arterial hypertension or OAS, but do not confirm congenital or acquired cardiovascular diseases, in which elevated blood pressure is often noted.

Tested systolic blood pressure levels are normal.