
Hydremia (from the Greek hydor - water and haima - blood) is a pathological condition characterized by excess water content in the blood.

The reasons for the development of hydremia may be:

  1. Increased fluid intake

  2. Impaired excretion of fluid by the kidneys

  3. Loss of blood proteins (hypoproteinemia)

  4. Violation of vascular permeability

  5. Endocrine diseases (eg, diabetes insipidus)

The main symptoms of hydremia:

  1. Swelling, primarily in the lower extremities

  2. Lower blood pressure

  3. Tachycardia

  4. Dyspnea

  5. Paleness and cyanosis of the skin

  6. Weight gain

Diagnosis of hydremia is based on laboratory tests of blood, urine, and biochemical blood tests.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease and replenishing the protein composition of the blood. Diuretics, protein drugs, and hormonal therapy are used.

Thus, hydremia is a dangerous condition that requires timely diagnosis and adequate treatment. Without treatment, pulmonary edema, renal failure and death may develop.

Hydremia is a condition in which blood thinning occurs as a result of excess water content in the blood plasma.

Hydremia is also called hemodilution or blood edema. With hydremia, the volume of circulating blood increases, but the number of blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets) remains the same. This leads to a decrease in blood viscosity and disruption of its rheological properties.

The reasons for the development of hydremia can be different: excess fluid consumption, fluid retention in the body due to renal, cardiac, liver failure, endocrine disorders.

Clinical manifestations of hydremia: weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, swelling, decreased blood pressure. For diagnosis, laboratory methods are used to determine the concentration of plasma proteins and hematocrit.

Treatment of hydremia is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease that caused the water-salt imbalance. Diuretics, restriction of fluid intake, administration of albumin, plasma, and red blood cells may be used.