
Hydrocystomas are benign neoplasms inside the connective tissue, most often they form in the abdomen and pelvis, they can have different sizes, upon palpation they have a soft consistency and resemble a ball or bubble, inside of which there is liquid, the diameter can be from 7 mm. up to 20 cm or more

Hydrocystomas can be either congenital or acquired.

Causes of hydrocystitis: increased estrogen levels, fluid retention in the body. Abuse of alcoholic beverages, smoking. Excessive exercise

Symptoms Hydrocysts present as nodules that can appear either suddenly or progress gradually. - Significant increase in abdominal size

- Bursting pain in the abdominal cavity - Symptoms of internal edema due to the accumulation of free fluid in the abdominal cavity, organ tray, pelvic vagina. The increased size of the hydrocele is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and discomfort that interferes with normal functioning.

Treatment for hydrocytes depends on their size and growth rate

The doctor sends the person for an ultrasound, after which an examination is carried out for metastasis. If necessary, the doctor gives painkillers and anti-inflammatory injections

Diet is not used in the treatment process unless we are talking about obesity, which interferes with the physical process of therapy. In the case of hydrocyst, proper nutrition is recommended to reduce the risk of gaining weight, which will seriously complicate the process of tumor removal.

Hydrocyst is a cystic formation filled with serous contents. The cysts are located between the layers of the peritoneum, covering the organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, where perinephric, para-aortic, inguinal and other cysts are localized. The reasons for the development of a cyst are inflammatory processes in neighboring organs: the prostate or kidneys, traumatic lesions of the peritoneum. Hydrocele is found in boys and men. Men involved in sports, football players, often encounter this pathology. In men, pathology is more common due to the fact that the process of reverse development occurs much more slowly than in children. Hydrocoelia can be congenital and appear due to incomplete fusion of the vaginal process of the embryo.

Do not try to treat hydrocoelia on your own. To accurately identify the cause and treatment, consultation with a specialist is necessary.