Weigert-Meyer Law

Weigert-Meyer law: basics and application

In medical pathology, there are many patterns and principles that help in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. One such law is the Weigert-Meyer law, named after two German pathologists, Karl Weigert and Robert Meyer.

The Weigert-Meyer law states that the areas of tissue contained in certain organs have a constant arrangement and sequence within those organs. In other words, the structure of organ tissues is preserved, regardless of their function. This law is based on observations made by Weigert and Meyer in the late 19th century.

The Weigert-Meyer law is used in pathology to determine characteristic changes in organ tissues caused by diseases. Changes in tissue structure may indicate a specific disease and help in its diagnosis.

For example, with liver diseases such as cirrhosis or hepatitis, a change in the structure of the tissue of this organ occurs. Changes in the location of liver tissue may indicate the presence of a disease and help in its diagnosis. Thus, the Weigert-Meyer law is an important tool in the diagnosis of many diseases.

In addition, the Weigert-Meyer law has applications in scientific research. Studying the location and structure of organ tissue can help scientists understand the mechanisms of disease development and develop new treatment methods.

In conclusion, the Weigert-Meyer law is an important tool in medical pathology and scientific research. Its use makes it possible to determine characteristic changes in the structure of organ tissues and helps in the diagnosis of many diseases.

The Weigert-Meyer Act was proposed in 1871 by Karl Weigert and Rudolf Meyer as a response to the spread of the influenza virus in Europe in the late 19th century. The law later gained wider relevance in relation to the theory of evolution.

This law exists within the framework of the population theory of evolution. According to him, a population consists of heterogeneous groups of individuals - classes and mutants. And the average mutation frequency is determined by the effective fertility of N individuals and the average generation time T. The average mutation frequency is constant and does not change during a generation. It is designated by the symbol F and is

Weigert-Meyer law

The Weigert-Meyer law reads a way that made it possible to combine types of strokes and CNST. It states that movement disorders during strokes always occur in those patients with persistently high blood pressure (BP). Cyagomotor and oculomotor phenomena develop with low, normal or elevated blood pressure. Tongue mobility - low or high blood pressure. Seizures develop with such high blood pressure as chronic arterialgic hypertension. If you reduce the number of strokes, you can reduce both the number of chronic strokes and overall mortality. Increased blood pressure level more than 2