Hydronephrosis Primary

Hydronephrosis Primary

Hydronephrosis of the primary type is formed as a result of a violation of the outflow of urine from the kidney. Urine cannot pass freely through the urinary tract, which leads to increased pressure in the kidneys and their structural changes. Symptoms of primary hydronephrosis vary widely depending on the stage and extent of the disease. There may be no changes in the initial symptoms, but as the disease progresses, the following signs appear:

- Pain in the lumbar region, which can last for a long time. The pain can be either mild or severe, very intense.

The pain is localized both in the lumbar region and spreads to other parts of the body; the discomfort intensifies with physical activity. In rare cases, the sensation of pain may persist for several weeks - this indicates a severe inflammatory process in the body. With hydronephrosis, red-blue stripes appear in the groin - they are formed as a result of narrowing of the arteries and veins on the walls of the abdominal cavity. This symptom often appears on the right side.

Hydronephrosis Type 1 is characterized by a constant temperature that rarely reaches normal. During illness, chills and body aches are constantly observed. Many patients suffer from fever regardless of the time of day. Younger men should pay attention to the manifestation of hydronephrosis in the form of libidopathy. A young man is concerned about sexual dysfunction in two or one organ. Early manifestations of the disease are characterized by painful symptoms that never disappear. Women suffer from disorders of the reproductive system much less frequently, which is due to their more fragile body and hormonal imbalance. When observing them, any pain is extremely rare. The disease is usually accompanied by changes in urination. The functioning of the urinary system sharply deteriorates. The patient constantly feels a burning sensation and feels the need to visit the toilet. An overfilled bladder at night causes discomfort, so even after sleep you want to go to the sanitary facility. In connection with such conditions, there are frequent complaints of headaches, as well as widespread dizziness. Coordination is impaired, it becomes difficult to take steps, a feeling of nausea appears