Hygiene General

General environmental hygiene

General hygiene - (syn.g.ob.sr.) is the science of means, methods and activities that are aimed at maintaining the health of the population and the population as a whole, preventing diseases and protecting the environment. Hygiene has the goal of studying the biological, physiological essence of human life processes and ensuring normal living conditions for the population. The specific tasks of general hygiene are the scientific analysis and control of factors affecting a person and his health. Hygienic measures are aimed at ensuring favorable working and living conditions and protecting the human environment. The scope of activity of the hygiene department is extensive, as it begins with a study of the work environment in all sectors of the national economy, including the work of workers, employees and the operation of equipment. According to this, all industries carry out hygienic work to protect and improve the environment in which people directly live. The sphere of hygienic influence is not limited only to the boundaries of the enterprise, it also covers residential premises, towns, cities, districts, etc. (1). The following tasks are currently carried out by general environmental hygiene:

• Form a state sanitary rule to ensure sanitary requirements for the maintenance of buildings and other facilities, including the distribution of building materials, conditions of ventilation, heating, noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields, illumination, water basins, environmental issues of the use of livestock, food products and premises.

• Prevention of infectious diseases among the population, development of measures to improve the health of settlements and villages from various infectious diseases.

• Health study

General hygiene (syn. G.o.) The hygienic condition of objects in the human environment is a natural protective reaction of living organisms to unfavorable factors of the natural and industrial environment in order to preserve the vital activity of all forms of the human community during the period of their interaction. It is for this reason that G. o. individual items of clothing and footwear are called sanitary, and work, living quarters, housing, territory, since they contain a significant number of microorganisms, are assessed according to the same criteria as the human environment. Hygiene is a term of medical nature, since it is used to characterize human health, that is, it reflects the individual state of his body. In turn, the hygienic state of the entire team or the team of a certain group of the population characterizes the sanitary and hygienic state of the population or the epidemic regime of the population, which is the subject of the activity of the sanitary doctor. As a source of subsistence and “production material” for medical activities, gland is the basis for hygienic disciplines. The physical well-being of each member of society is based on normal indicators of humidity, temperature, gas and light composition of the air and food rations. Even weakly expressed natural hardening brings obvious health benefits, especially for those people who are able to work, but do not have time to play sports. Hygienic provision of the water regime includes monitoring the quality of drinking water, its chemical composition, mineralization, etc. Of particular importance is the drinking regime, consisting of the quantity and quality of water. Issues of intestinal parasitosis, nutritional deficiency in the form of food allergies and enteropathy are important for society as a whole.\nG. working and living conditions guarantees everyone labor and everyday activity as conditions for life and life support. The importance of the state of atmospheric air is the prevention of respiratory diseases and allergies. A large place in G., especially social hygiene, is occupied by the study of allergic reactions and “habitual” fasting. The implementation of this integrated approach concerns both prevention and, if necessary, treatment and rehabilitation measures that exclude hypostatic conditions of the body as a whole. In other social and hygienic aspects, the main tasks are the study, organization, etiology, pathogenesis and prevention of infectious diseases with a number of vector-borne diseases (from insect bites), endogenous intoxications of industrial toxicants (substance abuse) and the prevention of the harmful consequences of human social communication with other members of a team, and individual team. The discrepancy between socio-economic and socio-climatic conditions leads to nervous and neuropsychiatric diseases, the development of a high level of morbidity in the nervous system. At the same time, the treatment of this type of disease is very long and difficult. A decrease in social production causes enormous damage to the people’s psyche (promotes mental illness). Thus, the G. of social labor is determined by such psychophysiological parameters as working capacity, mental and physical productivity; social forms of behavior; stress resistance and medical and social adaptation. Social and industrial adaptation includes the interaction of the patient’s psychological and physical state and the implementation of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in social therapy. The group structure of patients based on these characteristics indicates the psychological interdependence between them and makes it possible to plan forms and methods of medical and social rehabilitation. For the health of members of society, the efforts of not only medical workers, workers,