Hygiene Transport

Hygiene in the transport industry is a branch of hygiene that studies the working conditions of transport workers (railway, waterway, air and road), the conditions of travel for passengers on these types of transport and develops hygienic requirements and standards for vehicles, structures and sanitary measures at transport infrastructure facilities. This industry is important for ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers, as well as protecting the health of transport workers.

Transport hygiene studies the influence of working conditions on the health of workers, such as noise, vibration, dust, gases, radiation and other factors. It also examines the impact of travel conditions on passenger health, including temperature, humidity, lighting and other parameters. In addition, transport hygiene develops regulatory requirements for vehicles and structures to ensure safe and comfortable conditions for passengers and transport workers.

Sanitary measures carried out as part of transport hygiene include monitoring the quality of air, water, soil and other objects, monitoring the level of noise, vibration and other harmful factors at transport facilities, as well as monitoring the sanitary and hygienic condition of vehicles and structures .

Overall, transport industry hygiene is an important component in ensuring the safety and health of passengers and transport industry workers. It helps create comfortable conditions for travel and work in transport, and also protects people's health from harmful environmental factors.

Transport hygiene is a branch of knowledge that studies the working conditions and health of transport workers: railway (railway hygiene), water (river hygiene), automobile (automotive hygiene), air (aviation hygiene). This branch of hygiene also studies and develops sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements for the quality of vehicles (for example, transport and building structures), conditions for the use of passenger services. In addition, transport hygiene workers are engaged in epidemiological investigations of possible infectious or somatic diseases among transport or passenger transport workers, provide recommendations for improving the sanitary and technical conditions of servicing passenger vehicles and carry out operational measures aimed at minimizing the risk of the spread of infectious pathologies in public and public systems.