Gynecological chair

A gynecological chair is a mechanical device in the form of a chair, intended for conducting gynecological or urological examinations and some surgical operations on the genitourinary organs.

The gynecological chair is equipped with special devices to create and maintain the necessary position of the patient’s torso and legs during medical procedures. The chair can change the position of the seat, backrest, footrest, and also adjust the height to ensure optimal access to the pelvic organs.

Modern models of gynecological chairs are equipped with an electric drive, which allows you to quickly change the position of all sections for examination or surgery. The chairs can be equipped with additional accessories - armrests, lighting fixtures, removable leg supports.

Gynecological chairs are widely used in antenatal clinics, clinics, operating rooms to facilitate the work of the doctor and the comfort of the patient. A properly selected chair allows for safe and effective gynecological examination and treatment.

A gynecological chair is a device that is used in medical institutions to carry out various procedures. This is medical equipment intended mainly for gynecological examinations and surgical interventions.

The main purpose of a gynecological chair is to place the patient in the desired position to perform the necessary diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. Usually, for the convenience of medical personnel, it is located opposite the examination table or operating bed.

The shape of the chair largely determines the possibilities of use. Standard models have rounded edges, which provides a more comfortable position for the patient. These options are not suitable for overweight patients.

The production also supplies the market with modern models of hydraulically driven chairs, which are equipped with adjustable legs that change their height. Some models have soft elements that you can lie on to create the most comfortable position for the patient.

Stretchers are popular for biopsies and surgeries. These parts differ from those described above by the presence of a support on which they lie, bending their leg at the knee. The support pillow has the ability to move, repeating the movement of the genitals. Such equipment allows you to reduce the time of surgery and minimize injuries during it. It can be connected to a hydrospiral, which supports blood circulation, reducing tissue trauma.

When it comes to performing gynecological operations, it is especially important to be sure that the instruments are at the optimal distance from the patient's body, and the entire procedure will be performed safely. A reliable, functional gynecological chair provides these conditions and facilitates operations and postoperative rehabilitation.

The choice of gynecological chair largely determines the outcome of the procedure, the level of pain with which it is performed, the quality of anesthesia, the duration and safety of the procedure itself. It is important to make sure that the selected equipment meets all requirements and takes into account the patient’s body type and health status.