Sodium Radioactive

Radioactive sodium is the general name for radioactive isotopes that have a mass number between 23 and 24. They have half-lives ranging from a few seconds to several years. Some of them are used in medical research to diagnose various diseases, while others are used in scientific research.

One of the most famous radioactive isotopes is sodium-22. It has a half-life of about 2.5 hours and is used in medicine to diagnose tumors and other diseases. It can also be used to treat certain types of cancer.

Another radioactive isotope of sodium is sodium-24. It has a half-life of 15 hours and is used in medical research. For example, it is used to check the functioning of the heart and lungs.

In addition, there are other radioactive isotopes of sodium, such as sodium-21 and sodium-23. They also have a short half-life and can be used in medical research and scientific experiments.

Radioactive sodium is the general name for radioactive isotopes with mass numbers of 20-25. These radionuclides have half-lives ranging from fractions of a second to several years. Some of them can be used for diagnostic purposes, such as determining the level of radioactivity in the human body or testing materials for radioactivity. However, most isotopes of sodium radioactive elements can be dangerous if ingested and require careful handling.