
Acupuncture is one of the oldest types of medicine, which has not lost its relevance today. It involves the introduction of very thin needles into certain points on the body in order to influence various organs and systems of the body. In this article we will look at acupuncture in more detail.

What is the essence of acupuncture?

Acupuncture is considered one of the most effective treatment methods at the moment. It allows you to influence the patient’s body in a targeted manner, which allows you to treat many human diseases.

The essence of this method is to pierce the skin in a certain area of ​​the patient's body, and then insert very thin needles into the patient's bones. They find themselves right above the disease. There are even entire complexes, when exposed to which it is possible to cure almost any ailment.

The use of acupuncture has shown effectiveness in the treatment of many diseases, for example: - heart and vascular diseases; - rheumatism; - skin diseases; - back pain; - arthritis; - prostatitis; - impotence; - infertility; and many other pathologies. How is this treatment method carried out? The treatment method is simple to perform and does not require special training. At the same time, the procedure has a certain effect due to needle punctures, through which energy flows outside or inside the patient. This technique is aimed at the interaction of human energy and the energy of the healer (with the help of a doctor who knows how to properly perform therapy). The procedure begins with a consultation with a doctor. The doctor clarifies all complaints and may ask the patient questions about his past, lifestyle, emotions, work habits and nutrition. Such a conversation helps to find out the most common causes of the disease and draw up a plan for further treatment. The duration of the manipulation depends on the patient’s condition, the area of ​​the lesion and the goals of treatment. Typically the session lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. All needles are required before the procedure