Gingivitis Dysmenorrheic

Disliquator gingivitis

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gum tissue, which is accompanied by swelling and bleeding. One of the types of gingivitis is dislikative gingivitis. This disease in women is associated with hormonal imbalance (usually during menopause), which leads to disruption of calcium metabolism in the body and the deposition of calcium salts on the teeth and gums. This disease can be diagnosed by the following signs: itching and redness of the gums, bleeding when brushing teeth, tartar. Treatment is carried out with hemostatic drugs and rinsing the oral mucosa; in the later stages of the disease, surgical intervention is necessary to remove tartar, which prevents oxygen from reaching the tissues.

Unfortunately, there is a typo in the title of your request, so I cannot provide information about this disease, but I can provide information about gingivitis, a disease in which the gums become inflamed. People who get gingivitis:

*Smokers; * Who do not take good care of their teeth;

Other risk factors: • Infections; • Anorexia; • Allergies. If left untreated, gingivitis can become chronic, causing tooth decay and tooth loss. In order to avoid this, you need to go to the dentist at least twice a year.