Gingivitis Juvenile

Juvenile gingivitis is an inflammatory process of the gums that begins in children during puberty and adolescence and ends with the onset of reproductive age. This term does not denote a specific nosology and can be used to describe the inflammatory process of the gums in boys and girls at different ages.

1. Pathological anatomy. With juvenile gingivitis, the hypertrophic form of inflammation prevails. Sometimes sclerotic disease worsens - when thickening and hyperplasia of the gums are pronounced. Against the background of such changes, the interdental space expands, as a result of which the function of the dentofacial apparatus is disrupted. If, as a result of inflammation, the gums bulge greatly, the interdental space may narrow. 2. Etiology. The presence of several etiological factors plays a major role in the formation of gingivitis in adolescents. Among them it is necessary to highlight smoking and alcoholism. Smoking leads to premature aging of oral tissues. Toxic substances released during its use accelerate the migration of leukocytes and neutrophils and accelerate the development of infection and gum inflammation. Increased level