Syphilide Hyperkeratotic

Hyperkerotic syphilide. Observed from 3-4 months after infection. A bluish-red plaque with a diameter of 5-8 cm is found on the face and scalp, its surface is covered with many small yellowish scales. In the central part of this plaque, inflammation is observed - erythema, on the surface of which there are small grayish-white papules the size of millet grains with a greasy sheen. The size of papules in syphilis varies widely: from papulo-spots to large tubercles or nodules. The course of papulopustular syphilide is benign and long-term (up to several months) with a gradual regression of all changes in the skin. Treatment. Considering the duration of the course, good results are achieved by comprehensive treatment aimed at combating the incubation period, early and late stages of the disease. Antibiotics of mercury etiology, vitamins A, C, D, plasma transfusion, symbiotic serum are used